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Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf - Comparing two prime drinks II
Posted by      09/16/2012 16:00:00     Tea Journey | Tea Trips    0 Comments

coffee bean and tea leafWe have already begun comparing coffee vs tea on our first short article. Now we will discuss more of the overall feel, the drinking experience and the compostition that makes coffee and tea distinct from each other.


Both coffee and tea could be served either hot or cold. The manner by which each of these is prepared varies and so is the overall drinking experience. Coffee, being the most sought after blend early in the morning, usually provides drinkers the invigorating feel to kick start the day. The experience brings  energy, strength, vigor and drive and so for people who couldn't resist indulging into a cup, but undergoes difficulty in sleeping at night, may opt to enjoy decaf instead. With tea drinking experience, the sensation is completely the opposite. From the preparation up to the drink, tea stirs a feeling of warmth, calmness and peace. A truly exquisite.


We all know the differences on the amount of caffeine in tea vs coffee. Now, it is also good to know that both drinks contain other healthy substances such as antioxidants. An abundant amount of flavonoid, a tea antioxidant is present on your tea. In addition, tea also contains tannin and catechin - antioxidants that are thought to help prevent heart diseases and cancer. It is also a source of polysaccharides, natural flourine and vitamins E and C. Coffee on the other hand is also rich in antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid and quinines. It also contains minerals, carbohydrates, phenolic acid, trigonelline, ketones, amines,esters and mercaptans.

Weight Loss and Muscle Gain 

Study shows that coffee could help reduce appetite slightly. But it has been found to be capable of energizing muscle cells and providing added energy during workouts. Drinking green tea on the other hand could also effectively help trim down fats. Green tea fat burner capabilities in particular, with is EGCG and caffeine components, helps increase metabolism thus promoting calorie burn.

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