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Health Benefits of Coffee and Tea - Drinks Compared III
Posted by      10/03/2012 00:00:00     Healthy Tea    2 Comments

coffee and tea benefitsI am particularly keen on topics regarding coffee and tea. I am a fan of both, but my curiosity led me to do my own research. In the end, it actually helped me come up with a comprehensive generalization  and of course a more favored drink. If you are as curious as I am, or just want to learn bits of information, please read on.

The reason behind the coffee and tea comparison all narrows down to health. Both enthusiasts and plain drinkers have long wanted to know which among coffee or tea is actually more beneficial to our health. This last article of our series will give us an overview on coffee and tea health, benefits and the like.

Health benefits of tea

There are countless of tea benefits found after years of thorough research and study. Unfortunately, despite the wide variety of tea collection, most people have only heard of all the famous green tea benefits. Commonly, there's only this green tea and weight loss fondness, but not much do we know of other herbal teas. The following may help you discern other tea types and their respective health benefits.

  • Helps prevent type 1 diabetes.
  • Contains fluoride that strengthens teeth
  • Reduces risks of heart attack
  • Green tea cuts risks of developing esophageal cancers by 60% in women
  • Green tea is very unique with its thermogenic properties that boost fat oxidation
  • Green tea is said to reduce risks of developing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease
  • Green tea and Oolong tea help improve cholesterol levels
  • White tea has been found to contain anti-ageing potentials
  • White tea was said to reduce that growth of new fat cells
  • White tea was discovered to be richer with antioxidants than green tea, making it more effective in preventing certain diseases.
  • Black tea may cut the risks of suffering stroke
  • Black tea helps protect lungs from degeneration due to cigarette smoking
  • Pu-erh tea was said to help reduce weight gain
  • Pu-erh tea has been found to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol

Health benefits of coffee

Now, to have a more comprehensive generalization, it is important to also know the health benefits of coffee. Take a look at the following:

  • Helps prevent type 2 diabetes
  • Boosts effects of painkillers
  • Cuts risks of digestive disorders
  • Said to lessen possibilities of developing Gout in men over the age of 40
  • Helps develop short term memory and reaction time.
  • Helps alleviate negative mood
  • Said to also cut risks of suffering from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease

But although advantageous on some points, recent research has found that coffee, on its composition, poses somewhat a number of health risks as well. Unfiltered coffee drinking may potentially increase risks of high cholesterol levels. Plus,  drinking quite a volume, say, at least two cups a day, could increase risks of heart disease especially to people with genetic mutation.

Commercially prepared coffee beverages (coffee shops) are usually very high in calories. As drinks are less satisfying compared to food,people tend to drink more, consequently consuming more calories. This actually beats the health benefit   I mentioned regarding Type 2 diabetes. Having to consume high calories can lead to weight gain and weight related  problems such as Type 2 diabetes.

Finally, coffee can lead to negative side effects such as nervousness, anxiety, palpitation, irritability, and upset stomach. This might occur with tea, but rarely, and only on cases of over consumption.

Although beverages are of personal choice, I say tea is still a healthier choice. The drink comes in its pure natural form; and all packed with health benefits. I'm pretty sure there are still some other benefits to be discovered, and with all the medical ventures done today, I wouldn't be surprised if tea becomes the leading alternative medicine in the future.

image compliments of freedigitalphotos.net and wikimedia commons



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