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Tea Soothes My Soul and My Throat
Posted by      12/07/2011 00:00:00     Healthy Tea    1 Comments

I get sore throats a lot - any time of year, any time of day, for any reason really. I don't know why, it's just been a thing about me for the past couple of years. I think this was a lot of the reason I started drinking so much tea. When I first developed allergies I would drink 3-6 cups of tea a day and it would really do the trick.tea for sore throat

That being said, I am a songwriter and I love to sing, making my voice very important to me. I've tried lots of teas to soothe my throat and keep my voice strong. I almost never play and sing without a mug of hot tea by my side. Through trial and error I've found some teas and ingredients or additions that work particularly well for polishing those pipes: 

-mandarin orange spice

-ginger (I like to make it with fresh ginger root cut up and leave pieces in my cup to chew on)

-tea with licorice, cinnamon, clove, or nutmeg

-hickory root


-lemon and honey, of course

-cayenne (I usually put this in my hot cocoa, but I think it'd do well with some teas too)

-white tea (this sometimes helps with inflammation)



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      Dec 8, 2011

      Good to know the alternatives to honey and lemon! Thanks!

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