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Rooibos for Flu and Cold Season
Posted by      10/28/2011 00:00:00     Healthy Tea    0 Comments

October is upon is, and with it all the wonderful things Fall brings: changing leaves, cool, crisp air, apples, pumpkins, oh, and flu and cold season.  But, did you know Rooibos can help prevent the cold?

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is that time of year again, and if you are like most Americans, at some point this autumn you will find yourself sniffling and coughing, either with a harmless virus or with the full-blown flu. Either way, it's likely you'll be searching high and low for relief, and it may be hiding right before your eyes - in your kitchen cupboard, in fact.

Rooibos tea, prized for its mild taste and distinctive red hue, is a great choice when your nose starts running and your head starts to ache. The tea has a high level of disease-fighting antioxidants and is caffeine-free, so you can drink a cup or two to ease your symptoms without needing to worry about losing sleep (source). Additionally, this soothing tea has bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory qualities, making it a great choice to provide some relief to anyone suffering from an upper respiratory infection (source). Of course, anyone with a cold or suspected case of the flu should go to their doctor for treatment right away, but a cup of rooibos tea can certainly help you suffer less in the hours leading up to your appointment.

My favorite way to enjoy rooibos tea is by drinking a cup of Tiramisu flavored Rooibos mixed with just a splash of vanilla almond milk. I make it very hot and spend a few minutes breathing in the resulting steam: not only is the scent relaxing, but the warm, moist air helps clear my sinuses.

Buy Rooibos for Colds Here

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