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A moment of zen with a cup of tea
Posted by      08/11/2011 21:19:00     Healthy Tea    0 Comments

Do you want to lower your blood pressure, decrease feelings of anger and frustration, improve concentration, and boost confidence? Simple! proclaims the Mayo Clinic. Just relax.

Of course in our busy and chaotic society, this is often easier said than done. Relaxation gets just another slot on the to-do list and it's an easy task to skip since its neglect causes problems only for you, not for your employer, spouse, or kids.

But if you're reading this, you enjoy tea. So, how can you use your daily ritual of drinking tea to infuse your life with a little relaxation?

Slow down! Don't gulp your tea or drink it absentmindedly while at work or doing chores. Sit back with your mug and take time to notice, appreciate, and enjoy the aroma and flavor of your blend.

These few moments of mindfulness -- a form of meditation -- will slow your breathing and your heart rate and help your whole body -- and your mind -- relax.


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