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Top 5 health benefits of Rooibos
Posted by      05/09/2012 15:52:54     Healthy Tea    1 Comments

Rooibos, or Red Bush in Aficans, is rapidly growing in popularity throughout the world due to it's great taste and the amazing health benefits.  The source of Rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis) is a native of the Western Cape of South Africa.  The needles of this shrub turn red when when fermented, and the brewed needles were first drank by the native Khoi people of the Cape.

The Khoi's magic cup of tea is no longer a secret.  There is currently a boom in the popularity of Rooibos that is spreading around the world.  This naturally caffeine-free cup is most popular in Germany, the UK, the US and Japan with more than 15,000 tons of Rooibos leaves brewed each year.  The health conscious world has made this simple red bush a 23 billion dollar a year industry and still growing.  Where else can you get the antioxidant equivalent and possibly even more so than green tea in a caffeine-free, smooth cup?  Health Benefits of Rooibos

Here are the top 5 benefits of Rooibos:

1)  Rooibos contains quercetin.  A powerful antioxidant that helps prevent heart disease, many forms of cancer and is an anti-inflammatory.

2)  Rooibos contains aspalathin.  A rare antioxidant that reduces stress and helps regulate blood sugar, protecting against diabetes and slows fat production.

3) Rooibos contains nothofagin.  Another rare antioxidant that is an anti-inflammatory that helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

4)  Rooibos is very popular with pregnant women as it is an anti-spasmodic.  Drinking Rooibos while you are pregnant soothes the stomach and lowers stress which is key for proper neurological growth for the fetus.  It is also given to infants with colic to help reduce symptoms.

5) Recent studies in Japan show that drinking Rooibos help reduce the symptoms of many seasonal allergies.

Rooibos has a delicate, sweet taste.  We've found that it blends very well with spices and preserved fruits and we use Rooibos as the base of several of our super popular tea blends such as Gingerbread Chai and Lemon Meringue Pie.




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