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Are tea imports from Japan safe?
Posted by      03/24/2011 20:42:00     Tea News    1 Comments

Consumers of Japanese goods around the world are responding to the tragic tsunami and subsequent nuclear crisis in Japan with fears of radiation contamination. Should tea enthusiasts be worried as well?

According to the New York Times, the Food and Drug Administration in America has banned all dairy products and produce from the area of Japan where a damaged nuclear reactor is leaking radiation. Other products, such as seafood, will not be banned, but will be tested for any trace of radioactive iodine.

Tea drinkers need not worry, as major tea fields are actually located in southern Japan and are safe from contamination. In fact, Japan is actually a large importer of tea.

Although, there may be a different obstacle blocking tea imports from Japan.

Throughout the devastated country, people are hoarding many products and sending them to family and friends in northern prefectures.

Bottled water, rice, batteries, and toilet paper are quickly become scare in supermarkets throughout the country.

Japanese officials say this buying is largely an overreaction.

So tea buyers — keep updated in current contamination news — but the overwhelming consensus is to feel safe when purchasing tea from Japan.

And let's not let fears of contaminated goods cause us to forget about the victims of the devastated northern region of Japan. Donations can be made to the Red Cross at www.RedCross.org



    • Avatar
      Mar 26, 2011

      Nice article Sam... Keep the good stuff coming! ;-)

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