STARBUCKS is on to tea!
 Tea House Gossip   Started by Nicca G   2012-12-02 12:33:10 +00:00   Comments: 3    Viewed: 1401

  1. Nicca G
    Nicca G Member
    Hi guys!I read from yahoo news that Starbucks wants to venture on making their tea shops as ubiquitous as their cafes! How cool and crazy is that? :woohoo:
    Nicca G, 2012-12-02 12:33:10 +00:00
  2. Will B
    Will B Member
    what took them so long!? ;-)
    Will B, 2012-12-10 21:33:00 +00:00
  3. Chloe M
    Chloe M Member
    Really? I didn't know that!!! Ooops. I must have been out of this world, this info was like, 4 months ago! :blush: Do they have rooibos? Had my first try with your rooibos flight and I really did enjoy it. :woohoo:
    Chloe M, 2013-04-28 14:42:37 +01:00
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